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Friday, 25 March 2011

Hypocrisy in leaked documents.

After Libyan State TV revealed footage of various corpses that it stated were civilian casualties from the latest round of NATO Air-Strikes meant to destroy air-defence and command structures belonging to Libyan regime. The Associated Press was given several classified documents from the United States Intelligence services, the reports included information from a senior Gaddafi aide that he was ordered to organize the removal of bodies from various morgues across the country to pose as civilian casualties from NATO bombing runs. 

Clearly this leak needs to be investigated? Leaking information to the national press during a time of conflict with Libya? Even though this information was key to clearing the propaganda from the Libyan Government. The person who leaked these documents is a threat to the national security of the United States, they need to be tracked down urgently, arrested and held in solitary confinement for several months without charge.

I'm comparing this leak to the files apparently released by Bradley Manning. He's being charged with leaked the same type of information, although in Bradley Manning's case it seems that showing war-crimes that would of gone unreported to the world's attention is not in the interest of the US Government and Obama, seeing that Obama ran his entire election campaign on not continuing the apparent 'mistakes' carried out by the previous administration and even hinted at investigating several actions undertook by senior officials by the US Government during the conflict in Iraq? 

So it appears your allowed to leak classified information to the international press during a time of conflict but only if these leaks support the interests of the United States Government and don't show their military in a bad light.

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