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Monday 26 May 2014

Greens vs Labour

Labour have constantly attacked the coalition government for not doing anything to solve the current cost of living crisis but it is the Greens not Labour that have the real progressive solution to the problem, a worrying sign that the party has long abandoned the successful policies of Atlee and instead turned towards the neo-liberalist policies of Tony Blair that accelerated income inequality and created an unfair housing market.

The Green Party support the creation of a living wage, an item of legislation that would mean working class families would no longer have to depend on state money for basic requirements like the monthly food bill or energy bills. This is a real progressive solution that people on the left side of the political spectrum should be supporting with full force especially when you consider Labours alternative simply provides a minimum wage increase that would have families across the country still relying on government money despite being employed. The establishment of a living wage would restore some pride to these people, relieve a portion of the national budget (that could then be invested elsewhere) and even contribute to increased consumer spending as those previously living on the breadline would be in possession of disposable income.

On energy Ed Milliband garnered controversy and criticism from the right-wing community when he said that a Labour government would help those hit by the increasing cost of living by freezing energy prices but like others this solution does nothing to alleviate the crisis especially when combined with the party's lacklustre approach to stagnating wages. Whats needed is a radical approach designed to directly tackle the problems of the energy sector, the greed of private companies involved. The Greens plans to nationalise the energy market would ensure that fuel bills are kept consistent all year with price increases that don't constantly rise above inflation, the same can be said with the rail companies and with this we have a recent to look at and analyse. When the East Coast mainline was nationalised it was in complete disarray, the result of complete incompetence from the private company that ran it into the ground yet after a few years of being under state-control the company managed to record a sizeable profit while investing record sums on infrastructure improvements, keeping customers satisfied all while not raising ticket prices above inflation yet despite the obvious success of the franchise and the benefit it gave the commuter and taxpayer the government is going ahead with its plan to sell the franchises to another private contract. Who are the only ones opposing this on a national level, is it Labour? A party that allowed the railways to be privatised ? No. It was the Greens..

The Green Party are the only political organisation that will tackle the rising cost of living, protect vital public services, protect the environment and put an end to the climate of fear and hatred surrounding the immigrant population. Labour have long abandoned the left and its time to remind of that via the ballot box.

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