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Wednesday 1 March 2017

5 steps the government could take to tackle climate change

An idealistic and incredibly quick look at a few of the steps the government could (and should) take in order to tackle the threat of climate change.

Save the Green Investment Bank

  • It is completely ludicrous that the government is privatising parts of the Green Investment Bank, especially when we have such a wealth of evidence on the devastation that will be caused if we don't act in time. Instead of retreating from our commitments to climate change the government should immediately halt this illogical privatisation and use the GIB to ramp up investment in renewable energy projects across the UK.

Restore solar subsidies

  • When the government reduced solar panel subsidies thousands of people lost their jobs as businesses across the country when bankrupt. Returning solar subsidies to previous levels would not just re-create these jobs but it will reduce the overall strain on the national grid and make it easier for fossil-fuel powered plants to be replaced by renewable sources.


  • UK properties are some of the most expensive to heat in Europe. In fact a third of our 80% carbon reduction target could be filled simply by insulating our homes adequately, but recent reports state that we are far from reaching that target. By embracing new technologies and spreading the economic benefits of insulation the government would not only ensure that we meet our international obligations but key pressure would be pushed off household bills and valuable jobs will be created.

Ban fracking
  • By embracing the fracking industry the government is ignoring its commitment to climate change in favour of dubious short-term gains. Pledging to kept it in the ground and banning fracking in the UK would make it easier to honour our international commitment to prevent climate change and also protect local water supplies from the pollution caused by the fracking process.


By divesting government pension funds from fossil fuels and investing in renewables the government would send a strong message of support to a vital and growing part of our economy, score a vital blow against the fossil fuel industry and send a message of solidarity to similar movements in the UK and the wider world.

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